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Town of Pepperell Burn Permits

Apply for your online permit today.

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Don't forget to call!

Telephone: (978) 925-3399

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can obtain a burn permit?

Only residents living in approved areas can obtain a permit. Permits are conditional and may be revoked at any time.

How can I obtain a burn permit?

You may register online using this website, or you can visit us in person.

What can I burn?

You are allowed to burn: 1. Brush, cane, driftwood and forestry debris up to 4 inches in diameter. 2. Agricultural materials including fruit tree and bush prunings, raspberry stalks, and infected bee hives for disease control. 3. Trees and brush from agricultural land clearing (Not Commercial or industrial land clearing) YOU MAY NOT BURN: Leaves, grass, hay, leaves, stumps, construction or demolition debris, Household trash including cardboard or tires. Debris from commercial land clearing is also not allowed. (ie. clearing house/building lots)

Do I need a permit?

If you want to have an open-air fire (bonfire, fire pit etc.) then yes, you need an approved permit. If you are having a barbecue a permit is not required.